Harshita (bluestreetoptimism)
4 min readSep 12, 2021


Underrated things that happen when you study in an all girls’ school:

So I studied in an all girls’ school, and college too. While other questions like — “how will you even talk to boys?” and “you’re missing out on the sheer joy that having a male friend can be” ceased to make that big of a difference, few things never stopped bugging me. Like the spotlight stolen from the points I’ve mentioned below!

Trust me, I know co-ed is important. I acknowledge that there are some important and interesting interactions that I miss out on because I’m not used to talking to men. However, it’s also foolish to mistake this situation for a once-in-a-lifetime kinda thing.

On the other hand, has everyone experienced the charm of studying in an all girls’ environment though? I’m not saying either is a superior form of educating the young, but an all girls’ environment is the center of too much unnecessary bad talk. And mostly by girls! (Internalized misogyny, anyone?)

This is why I -the knight in shining armor of this reputation -will list few things that will hopefully help break some stereotypes.

You realize how underrated female friendships are.

Like, seriously. Imagine what a lovely friendship could have bloomed between Bertha Mason and Jane Eyre in a parallel world if we did not have a certain Mister Liar between them -who, by the way, drove one of them mad. (Am I salty today? You guess.)

(You do know that Mr. Rochester was not supposed to be this hot, right?)

I’ve heard so many other girls who’ve come from co-ed background say that they’re skeptical if girls can even be good friends with each other. Apparently, there is bound to be a gigantic green monster doing ballet on their heads all the time. Even boys say so! People. Dear, naive people. Nope. Girls know how to stick up for each other when given the chance, and an all girls’ environment teaches you its value early on in life.

Ladies, I’m sorry if you have missed out on some real friends worth cherishing. But it has got nothing to do with gender. On that note, watch this amazing video by Vitamin Stree on female friendship.

You get to explore yourself.

Girls have no chill when it comes to discussing ‘stuff’. From political controversies to spilling the beans on the last racy title they dug up from the lawless land of the internet, girls will talk about anything. And it’s good. I don’t know why chatty girls get so much criticism for simply talking when silence is mostly what society has given them all this while.

Girls, talk. Talk your heart out. Talk about what has been keeping you up at night and talk about your novels and talk about your heartbreaks and talk about the things that leave you puzzled and curious -talk. Learn. Educate yourself.

Knowing that most of us shared a grief of similar shape growing up helped me a lot. It may help you too.

Girls can go gross from gorgeous pretty quick.

Metaphorical and beauty from within aside, this holds true for the shallower levels as well.

Okay, here’s a funnier point. When you’re in an all girls’ school or college, you’ll realize that each woman can be massively different from another. Unbelievable, right? It’s almost like they’re a part of the human race!

I’ve seen women who think shaving is a nuisance and I’ve seen those who think it’s an absolute must. And either is fine. Some days girls are Beauty and a lot of times they don’t mind being the Beast -and that should not be such a headline!

So whatever is conventionally considered as ‘gross’ -like not shaving your legs or having a lot of facial hair? It’s all a part of the routine, baby. We have mastered the art of transformation in a week, and we are unflaggingly proud of it.

The beauty of not having a creep glaring holes in your back.

Not to generalize in a country crawling with creeps, but it’s undeniably a nice feeling when you’re paying attention to the teacher and aren’t constantly under the surveillance of a creep from the back. I mean, it’s not like this is a rare experience you’ll miss out on! You can get it for free on the road too.

Adjust your straps freely in the classroom, girls.

It’s a world of its own.

You realize just how much of ‘exposure’ and ‘real-world experience’ is pinned down on having frequent interactions with males. Uh, not to discredit the beautiful role of men in history and present -but women are a part of the world too. And knowing how to talk to your own kin without staring down at them is kinda nice if you ask me.

So let’s not underestimate the power of being surrounded by so many amazing women who’re most likely going through the same thing.



Harshita (bluestreetoptimism)

A Chai sipping human being who likes to hope because it feels nice. I also write so I can stay in touch with myself. /Stay/